Sophia Antipolis, France

Nicox S.A. (Euronext Paris: FR0013018124, COX), the international ophthalmic company, has convened an Ordinary shareholder meeting on a second call and on same agenda on Tuesday June 21, 2016 at 2:00 pm CET at BuroClub – room Colomb – Drakkar 2 – Bâtiment D – 2405 route des Dolines – 06560 Valbonne Sophia Antipolis – France as the quorum required by law was not reached on first call on June 7, 2016.

The documents mentioned in articles L.225-115, R. 225-81 and R. 225-83 of the French Code de commerce, including a proxy voting form, will be sent to shareholders upon written request. These documents are also available to shareholders at the headquarters and on the website of the Company (