Nicox convenes General Meeting to vote on Aciex acquisition on October 22, 2014
September 9, 2014
On July 2, 2014, Nicox announced the signature of an agreement to acquire Aciex Therapeutics, a private, US-based, ophthalmic pharmaceutical development company with a strong near-term pipeline of therapeutics addressing major segments of the ophthalmic market, including allergy and inflammation. The proposed acquisition represents a significant step forward in Nicox’s strategy of creating an international ophthalmic company built around therapeutics and diagnostics. For more information, please refer to the Nicox press release dated July 2, 2014, as well as the conference call presentation and audio recording, available on Nicox’s website
The draft resolutions also include the proposed appointment to Nicox’s Board of Directors of Les Kaplan, Executive Chairman of Aciex, subject to the prior approval of the acquisition of Aciex, as well as several financial authorizations that will give Nicox the flexibility to take advantage of opportunities which may help the Company to implement its growth strategy. The appointments to the Board of Dr. Adrienne Graves, former CEO of Santen Inc., and Luzi von Bidder, former Chairman of Acino Holding AG, who were co-opted in August 2014, will also be submitted to Nicox’s shareholders for approval.
To participate in the EGM, shareholders can either request an admission card to attend the meeting in person or send a signed proxy or voting form to Nicox1 or to Société Générale2. Shareholders who hold their share ‘in bearer form’ (au porteur) must also provide a share certificate from the financial intermediary holding their shares. In addition, an e-voting platform will be implemented as of September 29, 2014 to allow shareholders to vote via Internet. Full information on voting can be found on the “How to Vote” button on Nicox’s website and under Investor Information / Shareholder Meetings. The documents referred to in articles L.225-115, R. 225-81 and R. 225-83 of the French Code de Commerce, including the proxy voting form, will be sent to shareholders upon written request in accordance with the legal timing requirements. These documents will also be made available to shareholders at the headquarters and on the website of the Company ( at the latest on October 1st, 2014.
In the event that the required 25% quorum is not reached on the first call, Nicox will convene a shareholder meeting on a second call on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 2:00 pm CET at the Hotel Mercure, rue Albert Caquot, 06560 Sophia Antipolis, France.
- Nicox S.A., Drakkar D, 2405 route des Dolines, CS 10313 Sophia Antipolis, 06560 Valbonne, France.
- Société Générale Securities Services, Service Assemblées Générales, CS 30812, 44308 Nantes Cedex 03, France.