Nicox attends the 2013 Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology
September 19, 2013
Sophia Antipolis, France.
Nicox S.A.(NYSE Euronext Paris: COX) is attending the 89 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología (SEO), the Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology, taking place from September 25 to 28, 2013 in Adeje, Tenerife. Nicox can be found at booth number 72/73.
Nicox’s Spanish Operations team, including Davide Buffoni, Managing Director, Spain, as well as Philippe Masquida, Executive Vice President and Managing Director of European and International Operations, will attend the congress. They will present AdenoPlus®, a rapid point-of-care diagnostic test that aids in the differential diagnosis of acute conjunctivitis.