KOL Call on Nicox’s NCX 470 for the Treatment of Glaucoma

June 24, 2020

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Hosted by Nicox (EPA: COX)

The call will feature a presentation by the current President of the American Glaucoma Society Dr. Donald Budenz, MD, MPH (Chair, Department of Ophthalmology, UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine) who will discuss the treatment landscape and unmet medical need in the treatment of glaucoma. Dr. Budenz will also discuss the results from the Dolomites Phase 2 trial with NCX 470, a novel, second generation nitric oxide-donating bimatoprost analog, in development for the lowering of intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. In this multicenter Phase 2 trial conducted in the U.S., NCX 470 demonstrated both statistical non-inferiority and superiority to latanoprost, the current U.S. standard of care for IOP lowering.

The Head of R&D of the Nicox Group and General Manager of Nicox Ophthalmics, Inc., Tomas Navratil, PhD, will provide an overview of the recently initiated NCX 470 Mont Blanc Phase 3 trial as well as the plans for the Denali Phase 3 trial, which is expected to start before the end of 2020.

Nicox management and Dr. Budenz, MD, MPH will be available to answer questions at the conclusion of the call.


Wednesday, June 24th 10:00 AM ET

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Dial-In & Webcast Information

Domestic: 1-877-705-6003

International: 1-201-493-6725

France toll free: 0 800 912 848

Conference ID: 13704934

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For those who are unable to listen at this time, a replay of the call will be available by clicking here.

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Q&A Information

If you would like to ask a question during the live Q&A, please submit your request via email.

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KOL Biography

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Donald Budenz, MD, MPH

Donald Budenz, MD, MPH, is the Kittner Family Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology, UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine, and President of the American Glaucoma Society. He has authored 230 peer-reviewed articles, numerous book chapters, and a single-authored textbook entitled Atlas of Visual Fields. His areas of research include clinical trials in glaucoma, imaging in glaucoma, and glaucoma epidemiology.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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